About ASP

Housed within the high school, the Academic Success Program is hired directly by school districts to provide professional comprehensive college counseling to high school students in 9th through 12th grades.  Throughout its 20 year history, ASP has been recognized both nationally and statewide as a top program in education by the National College Access Network, National Education Association, the National Education Board in Washington, D.C., the Texas Education Agency, and the Texas Association of School Administrators. While these are impressive achievements, ASP’s focus is to do more than help students gain admission and scholarships to attend college; the ultimate goal of ASP is to change students’ lives and their communities.

Listen to the an interview about ASP’s work with ILTexas!

By staying focused on individual students and trends in the college admissions process, ASP enjoys tremendous success.  Students who would not have otherwise considered going to college are able to attend the top colleges and universities with 100% of their financial need met.  Many ASP students have been accepted to (and graduated from!) the top universities throughout the United States, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, University of Chicago, Stanford, MIT, Duke, Columbia, Dartmouth, Brown, Cornell, Wellesley, Boston College, Brandeis, Bowdoin, Colgate, The University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M University, and many other colleges and universities throughout out the country.  As of Spring 2024, there are more than 6,600 ASP Scholars enrolled in colleges and universities across the United States and abroad.

ASP is more than college application assistance program. ASP works with students at every level to prepare them to be college-ready by graduation. At the core of every ASP high school campus is the ASP College Advisor, a full-time expert, that tailors the program to the needs of individual campuses.  With the direction, mentoring, and motivation of the ASP College Advisor, students begin preparing for college as early as the 9th grade.  Students and families receive personalized college guidance based on their family’s needs, SAT/ACT preparation and registration assistance, parent meetings, writing workshops and college essay assistance, professional resume assistance, college interview seminars, college field trips, and financial aid workshops. At every step of the way, the ASP College Advisor is there to help the students navigate the labyrinth that is today’s college admissions process. Generally, this type of personal attention can only be had by the wealthiest of students at the best private schools. ASP makes it possible for all students to receive the same attention at no cost to the student.

2024-2025 ASP High Schools

  • Bryan Adams High School
  • Booker T Washington High School for the Visual and Performing Arts
  • Citylab High School
  • Hillcrest High School
  • Innovation Design Entrepreneurship Academy
  • International Leadership of Texas – Aggieland High School (College Station)
  • International Leadership of Texas – Arlington-Grand Prairie High School
  • International Leadership of Texas – Garland High School
  • International Leadership of Texas – Keller-Saginaw High School
  • International Leadership of Texas – Katy-Westpark High School (Houston area)
  • International Leadership of Texas – Lancaster Desoto High School
  • International Leadership of Texas – Windmill Lakes-Orem High School (Houston area)
  • Moises E Molina High School
  • North Dallas High School
  • North Lake Early College High School
  • School of Business and Management at Townview
  • School of Health Professions at Townview
  • School of Science and Engineering at Townview
  • Seagoville High School
  • Skyline High School
  • Sunset High School
  • Thomas Jefferson High School
  • WH Adamson High School
  • Woodrow Wilson High School
  • WT White High School